All the hype about the inauguration is making me sick. It is all over the blogosphere, the radio, and television. Even Disney is getting into the action with a concert tonight. On the radio this morning I heard that schools in the Sacramento area are making the children watch the ceremonies on television. Thank goodness my daughter is attending a Catholic school. I don't think they will be watching the ceremonies. If they are you bet I will be talking to the principal.
No, I am not a sore loser. I have very good reasons to protest this inauguration. The government is spending more than $170 million dollars on this inauguration. That is over 125 million more than what President Bush's inauguration cost back in 2005. Most of this money is coming from the taxpayers. I guess the government does not care about the current recession and the billions of dollars that has already been spent to bail out the banks and financial industry.
The media's argument is this: He is the first African American president. This is a historic event. My reply; big fricken' deal! No I am not racist. I never have and never will be. If Obama was a Republican they would not be making this into as big of a deal, trust me.
The majority of the media are liberals and they will do anything to brain wash the citizens into believing their far out left ideas. This includes putting Obama on a pedestal making him look like the savior of the world and capitalizing on his presidency. Have you seen all the Obama merchandise and crap out there? You can get Obama mugs, t-shirts, and don't forget to get your Obama commemorative plate. All this hype is a bunch of crap if you ask me. I don't remember ever seeing a Bush commemorative plate, do you?
But just wait, after all the hoopla, crowds, balls and concerts all the hype will die down. The American people will soon learn more about who they really elected as President. His socialist, big government, tax and spend views will soon take effect and he won't be the savior that everyone once thought.
If you are falling for all this media hype, here is my advice...Take Two and Call Me In the Morning.
Find out what other Moms are saying about the Presidential inauguration at Five Minutes For
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Well, I think you do sound like a sore loser, sorry! According to many articles Ive read, much of the cost of this inaguration has been payed for by private donors... not all by the tax payers, that seems to be a common falacy. I realize that the media and public are making a big deal about this historic day, because it is historic! I think that your viewpoint on this man and his goals and attributes is incorrect but that of course is your is your right to think differently than others...just like its my right to think you are 1000% wrong. President Bush I feel has done many wrongs and made many mistakes...that is my viewpoint! We cannot be all of the same mind, and No, I dont think I am 100% right and you are 100% wrong...that cannot be.
I hope that Obama proves your worries to be moot, and maybe makes some decisions that you can support. Take care.
Thank you for your comment, but you just wait I will always believe that my predictions are correct. The whole hype around this so called, "Savior" makes me sick. We've never ever had a president as hyped up by the media as we do today. And I bet it will all fall on his face. Just think about it, what sort of experience does this man really have? Two years in the senate, he was a state senator after that and then a community organizer. I'm sorry I don't think this presidency is going to work out. He is going to ruin this country, make the economy worse and we will say goodbye to the free market capitalism that this country was founded under. We will be turning into another France after his only term will be up. You just wait. This man makes me sick. If you disagree with me then don't visit this blog.
Well, like I said... we all have different viewpoints. And if you cannot handle having another POV and maybe listening and reading and pondering someones else viewpoint, then I will not be visiting your blog again. I find it sad that you are unable, or unwilling to listen to someone else, and to not want a person who might disagree with you to visit here, or comment. IMHO, thats what is wrong with America and the world today: The inability to even try to see the other side. I heartily disagree with all that you assume will happen. But hey, thats a fact of life... we cannot all be clones of each other,
Thank goodness!
Try to have a peacful day.
I am enjoying this debate we have going on right now. And for the record, I am not a sore loser. And only a third of the funding for the inauguration came from private donations. You and I are paying for the rest.
I am glad you are not a sore loser! I know some of the bill will be payed for by tax payers, as it has been in the past as well.
I disliked Bush very much, but he didnt make me sick... I dont see why Obama does. He is a man, a man who is doing what he thinks is the right thing in order to take this country back into prosperity and to gain back some respect. Many will disagree with his efforts and his actions, that is a sure thing. But I have never doubted his desire to try, his desire to do what is right, his desire to make this country a better place...just as I cannot deny that President Bush did the same thing. I think many things he did were very wrong, but I never doubted that he thought he was doing good. I will continue to be an optimist now.
I personally think it is sad that people have already labeled Obama and placed him in a box. I think we all need to give him a chance to show what he can do, to show that he meant it when he said he would work in bipartisinship. He deserves a chance to try and not be weighted down by nay-sayers...just as all the past presidents did as well. JMHO
My gosh, you just don't give up do you? Reading your comments is quite entertaining. You know what makes me sick, it is not Obama I'm sure he is a good man it is the liberal media, all the unnecessary hoopla revolving around this new president and all the money that was spent to get him elected and now on the inauguration. That is what is making me sick.
Yes, the media is liberal. And it is frustrating that media is not unbiased.
As a Canadian, I am watching from a distance and hoping your country prospers. I am grateful that both you and I can have opinions and safely voice them.
If you knew me, you would know I do not give up if I am passionate about something. But seeing as I am just entertainment, I will leave this be!
Have a great day!
Sorry that you missed such a momentous occasion. All Inaugurations cost money, lots of it.
I am not sorry that I missed it. I caught some of the sound bites on the Rush Limbaugh show and that was good enough.
My husband shares your same viewpoint 100%. Unfortunately my kids kept me busy and I wasn't able to watch the inauguration so I asked my husband about it to see if he had watched it at work and he gave me an earful!
I'm also in Northern CA!! Nice to see another Californian in the bloggie world!!
I'm always annoyed at the money the government spends. It seems like if that money was put to use somewhere where it was actually needed we wouldn't be in as much trouble as we are today.
In discussing the amount of money spent on an American tradition, no one has mentioned the BILLIONS spent on Iraq & Afghanistan. I admit I wondered how much inauguration cost and assumed it was me, but I'd rather spend it that than on unnecessary & pointles wars.
Amen, sister! You put into words everything that I felt about the whole thing. I've never been interested in politics to begin with, but I'm sick of hearing about it already. We'll see the state of our country in four years. While I pray that our new President does well for our country, I'm skeptical.
[I'm wishing I could fly to a nice warm beach right now.]
I'm sorry but those wars were not pointless. I suppose you have forgotten that they attacked us first. I would rather be fighting the terrorists on the offensive instead of the defensive. But I guess you are too ignorant and have forgotten about September 11, 2001. That's too bad. If you talk to any of the soldiers that have been out there they will tell you that the people of Afganistan and Iraq are so happy that our troops are there. And their mission has really improved the lives of the citizens of those countries. I'd rather see federal dollars go to make a difference than to be wasted on bailouts to the banks, auto industries, and an elaborate inauguration.
Great post Cascia! Yes I am praying that Obama will keep us safe and will shrink the government to let us prosper.
I cannot believe the cult-like following of the Liberal media and his supporters. Everybody cares so much because he is black. Yes, I think it is a great historical moment that a black guy has become President, but enough already. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, a person should be judge by his character, not by the color of his skin. It is sad that so many people do not even know President Obama's policies and voting record.
Allykat, My point exactly! That is the whole reason why I created this blog. The whole cult-like following makes me sick. And you are right a lot of people don't understand his voting record or his political views. In the next four years they will find out and after he makes our country even worse the same people that voted him in office will vote him right out. In the next four years our voices need to be heard. We need to educate these people that voted for him so they understand who the real President Obama is. Thank you so much for your comment!
Well said. I too am not a sore loser and I don't think you are either. It's just like you said everyone seems to be so brainwashed and practically comparing him to God himself! This is so insane.
By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments, how did you find it?
Thank you for your comment, Stephanie. I think I found your blog from a comment that you left on another blog. I enjoy visiting different blogs every day.
We don't "do" TV, so I couldn't watch, except delayed on the net...but...
I don't remember it ever being this hyped-up before. And, though I did not vote for him, I am praying that things turn out as he promised. He does seem genuine to me.
Still, it is a lot of hoopla!
Thank you for this post! I'm so glad someone had enough courage to blog about this! I was right there with you on Inaugartion Day... sitting at work avoiding all the blogs people were talking about, the news websites, even the radio stations. I'm so over the fact that he's president. I'm not racist either and never will be but I do believe he was voted in becuase of his colod. How funny is it that before he was even president he was not black. But yet now he's the "First Black President" and "We made history" aghh it just makes me so angry because thats all it came down to.
I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I have to say, I totally agree with everything you just said. I did watch some of this on TV, but I just wanted to see what the big deal was. And your right, if he had been republican, it wouldn't have been as big of deal.
Thank you very much for your comment on my blog...It is very nice to meet you and if you dont mind, can I add your blog to those that I follow???
Boy girl this post surely struck a chord huh? Thank you for visiting my blog...I am getting ready to look around for the inauguration? I did watch it even though I am as far right as you can get. I wanted to witness history in the making and it was. He will always be the first Black president of the US EVER...and I got to see it? As for political views, I just know biblically we are instructed to pray for our leaders and that's what I will do.Alright, I am headed over to brouse your site...thank you again for visiting...
Thank you so much for your comments and for visiting my new political blog! I hope that you swing on over to Healthy Moms as well. I started that blog nearly two years ago so it is pretty well established, more so than this one. Feel free to follow my blogs! I will certainly visit you if you do!
lol...I didn't watch it either. This cracked me up. You are a good blog writer.
Well. I have to say this is going to be a fun blog to watch! I love that there are different viewpoints flowing around out there...and I agree with some of both sides. But mostly with the conservative sides. I wasn't able to watch the proceedings as I was at the dr office. I agree it's a big deal to be part of history. I think every presidential swearing in is a part of history. Yes, he's the first black president. Yes there is going to be more black people in charge of our government. And you know what? I could care less! Since I am an american, I have to trust in the person that is currently president, regardless of his skin tone. I do think that Obama has too much stuff on his plate to even be a successful president. And I have to echo, he's a man, not the messiah! Yes, this is a great thing for the black race, to have another great role model, etc. etc. etc. But I have to say that I think one man gets too much credit. While I don't know how to fix it, I think that the congress system as it is set up has WAAAAY to much power and can do as it wishes. The president, whomever he is, is just a scapegoat for whatever congress does well or doesn't. Cascia, it's nice to meet you and thanks for finding my blog. I'll look forward to communicating with you in the future...and might I add I am pleasantly surprised to find someone from liberal CA that isn't so much so!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog!
Wow, you've gotten your blog started with a bang! lol
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. Hang in there with me...I'll be back to posting and commenting on a regular basis, once I get my neck and shoulders in a healthier state.
Blessings to you...
Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! I really enjoyed this post and couldn't agree more!
We're stationed in Germany and our tv is through AFN (Armed Forces Network), since Tuesday the inaguration or one of the balls has been on ALL DAY on one or two or three of our very few channels. I'm disgusted and just sick of it all.
What just kills me is that all these liberals who blame Bush for the Recession we're in (although if they stopped being idiots for about one 5 seconds and did just a little tiny bit of research they'd know it was the DEMOCRATS).
It's disgusting the love affair the media has and anyone who thinks that the media will call Obama out, is completely mistaken imo. I think they'll just find a way to make every Obama failure into Bush's fault. Because as we know it's all Bush's fault. I mean the Congress and Senate obviously have no power, it's only the President who makes decisions.
Thanks for commenting on my blog - I am so glad that there are people out there like you not afraid to speak up!
I am hopeful, but cautiously so with good reason. I think our number one concern should be the safety of our country and I firmly believe that will fall by the wayside in the next four years. God help us all.
Keep on posting and I'll keep following!
THANK YOU! I LOVE IT! I watched it, not all but some! But i agree! WHO FREAKING CARES!! Spend this kind of money while the country is failing, spend this kind of money because its history!! YIPPY!!! I could care less that he is the first African American President!! His goals are to help the country getting out of the reccesion but its not going to happen when they put on huge parties and inaugurations like this! Makes me sick!!
I just hope he can prove us wrong!! If he can't its going to be a LONG 4 years!! :)
Amen! Great post.
You know, I'm in the middle of a Bible study in my women's class by Kaye Arthur, called "Lord, Give Me a Heart for You". It's a study of 2 Corinthians, and therefore of Paul and his dealings with a wishy washy group of people who tended to listen to false prophets and go whichever way the wind blew. And those false prophets just trashed Paul.. he wasn't a good speaker, didn't "look" like an apostle, etc. And as I read parts of the study and delved into the Scripture, I began to see a direct correlation between 2 Corinthians and 2000-2008.. the media vs. George W. Bush. I get really, really hot under the collar at the power held by the media and the entertainment industry (Alex Baldwin and Susan Sarandon and, of course, Oprah.. as political gurus... WHAT are we thinking???). Cascia, you have the heart of Paul; you simply call it as you see it, and if it isn't popular, then TOO bad. Love it, girlfriend... but buckle your seatbelt and prepare for a rocky road! You'll get a lot of hits, but you probably WON'T be well-liked. Make sure you don your thick skin, and you'll be OK! With prayers and praise for your boldness...
Great Post, as many have mentioned. I am glad for African Americans that one has been elected for president, but I hope that is not the only reason he was elected, as I fear. I agree with what you said about Obama probably not being the total Big Bad Wolf, because we litteraly know next to nothing about him, (except for the gay marriage support, abortion support) only what the media wants us to know. It gave me hope in his quick assurane to support Israel. Hopefully all the things I consider "bad" will take just as long to get voted in, in effect, etc., as all the other governmental issues. Also, thanks for your kind words on my post about the death of a little girl i had taught in bible study. Please keep her family in your prayers. Again, great post.
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